Monday, September 8, 2008

Position, position, position

There was another thing that Anna pointed out in yesterday's lesson, but it really merits a separate entry.

How important is position? The way you sit on the horse? That imaginary ear-hip-heel line? (I am not a big fan of the whole ear-hip-heel thing, but that's another topic in itself.)
Well, truth be told, position is everything.

When a rider is in the correct position they are able to control the horse, change gait, slow down, speed up, with relative ease. The reason for this, is that the correct position is comfortable for the horse. The horse is actually able to work together with the correct position, and respect it. A correct position renders the horse and rider a "team".

When you deviate from the correct position by leaning forward, it usually means that you are using your hands too much, and your seat not enough. (By leaning forward, I do not mean going into forward seat. I mean that you start slouching with your shoulders.) The effect to the horse is that you are hanging off their mouth. So, firstly they avoid contact. If you force them into the contact, then they may lean on the bit, start rushing forward, get stiff in the neck or the jaw, or all of the above.

When you deviate from the correct position by slouching backwards, you become like a sack of potatoes. Imagine (or better still actually do this) that you are carrying a 15kg hiking pack. Get the harness nice and tight - you should be able to feel the weight of the pack, but it should move with you. Now loosen the harness right off. The pack should feel heavier, and as you move left or right it probably feels like it's a burden. Now try trotting. That's what the backward slouching rider feels like to the horse. The effect is a horse that stiff through the back, rushing, bucking, an unbalanced horse, leaning on the bit, or all of the above.

Now for the bad news. It is actually possible to be slouching backwards and forwards at the same time!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Here I am, at Anna's once again. Sunny day, sand menage. We start with walk, a few circles to the left, a strong half halt when changing direction, a few circles to the right. Engage the hind quarters through the shoulder-in, quarters-in, or the volte. Then halt. And there it is. The feeling of the horse fully on the aids and working into the bit. The halt is perfect. Full of impulsion from behind, and void of resistance. I sit in bewilderment. I had doubts whether this horse could actually do it.

We go on in trot. "Every time you feel her rush forwards, make the circle smaller, engage, then make the circle bigger" advises Anna. Aha. I get the purspose of the concentric circles now.

Sitting trot. The horse is egnaged. "Now drive", says Anna. I drive. And there it is, that "on the aids" feeling again. Wow. In my bewilderment I lose it all. Anna tsk tsks, and instructs on. I feel embarrassed and ecstatic at the same time.

Onto canter. We work on preventing the falling out. It's hard work on the muscles, and after a few circles I feel tired. Princess feels me ease off, and takes advantage of it. I work harder and re-engage the horse. At one point Anna's comments diminish. I'm riding well. The canter is still a far far cry from the walk or the trot, but I can feel a hint here and there, that it too will come good.

I cannot believe we've come this far.