Monday, May 4, 2009

Making it work cross country

So now that it's all working in the jumping arena, lets put it to the test in the cross country paddock.

I ride out into our huge amphitheatre paddock. I am still on top of the main ridge when Princess does one of her silly little rears. I scowl. "Right, no more barley for you" I think to myself, and push her on. She's edgy all the way down the ridge. I could swear that she's better than this in the state forest.

Due to her jumpiness I head straight for the new arena, and work her in there. I do a lot of trotting, getting her flexing forever deeper. She calms down, and we canter. They are quite good canters. Not too long. I would rather have a short, high quality canter, than something that disintegrates into a mad dash.

I am happy with her work, but I forgo the logs for today. It's a bit wussy, I know. Instead we wander down to the dam. A friend left her bag on the bank yesterday and I retreive it. Princess is surprisingly cooperative when I dismount to pick up the bag.

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