Monday, October 19, 2009


Yesterday's post about Gally stopping in the state forest may make some wonder just how much of a spurring and whipping the horse got. Did he get too much?

I use the following yard stick to make sure my horses are not abused.

I ride the horse, I unsaddle him, then I put him away in his paddock and go off to have a coffee. Afterwards, I come back out and indifferently walk past my horse's paddock. If the horse walks up towards me, then I worked with them at the right level. If the horse moves away, then I have overdone it.

So far I have never overdone it.

On Sunday, when I walked out after my coffee, Gally followed me enthusiastically along the fence line. Then enjoyed having his nose rubbed, without doing the usual playing with his lip. So he was actually better behaved. No, whatever I did on that trail was just fine by him. It showed him I was a good leader.

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