Monday, July 2, 2007

Grid work, take 1

We have four trot poles set up. I hop on Crownie and we do a little warm up. Initially we walk over the trot poles in both directions, then we trot over them. Crownie's walk is nice, but at the trot we are getting a lot of tripping, and some slipping. I vary the workout between some walk, and trot. We do some voltes (5 meter circles), and we keep trotting over the poles. Crownie actually goes over them really well. There is no hesitation, and her rythm doesn't change. That's really good. That's all I'm looking for at this point in time.

I consider putting up a cross rail, but given how wet it is (it's actually pouring with rain while I'm riding), I think it wouldn't be any good for the horse, and no good for the ground either. Next time.


Ellen said...

G'day Lightfingers. Just letting you know that now I've found your blog, I'll check in from time to time. Are you going to give us Crownie stats like you did for Princess?

light.fingers said...

Oh gosh. I'm not sure it's ready for finding yet. But, anyway, welcome. You may find my other blog ( easier to relate to. I've now added the Crownie stats, and Tosca too. Enjoy!