Friday, March 19, 2010

Bush ride

A friend who doesn't have much access to trail riding has come up to visit. We go bush for over two hours.

During our first or second trot she points out how the ankles seem to dangle and move around in trot. "Does that happen to you? How do you stop that?", she muses. I look at my ankles bouncing around in rising trot.

The problem has me vexed for most of the ride. I play around with the sweet spot, this way and that. (I haven't actually had time to write about the sweet spot yet, so more about that some other time.) About half way through the ride, I think I have the problem sorted out. Not quite fool proof yet, though. So I keep quiet.

What amazes me more than the problem itself, is my attitude. When I first started riding I was distinctly "told" to try and keep my legs stiller. It took muscle. It was tiring. I gave it up after two strides. I just thought, "yeah, right, whatever, I haven't fallen off so it obviously doesn't matter".

Then along comes a friend, and basically gives me a challenge. "Betch ya can't keep yer ankles still while trotting". Well ... it's still tiring ... I got sucked in.

The ride, by the way, is awesome. We enjoy a few lovely canters, as well as the refreshing showers from the sky that seem to come at just the perfect moment.

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