Sunday, September 5, 2010

Catching Gally

So here we are at the end of winter, and the winter rugs need to be taken off. As I am out of action, I beg and plead with my husband to take the rugs off. He managed to do two last weekend, and he is attempting to do the remaining two right now.

Gally comes up to him and seems friendly enough, until that is, the headstall appears in his hand. Then Gally is off. So Pete proceeds to take Crownie's rug off first - too easy. Then back to Gally. The little bay horse refuses to be caught, and trots circles around Pete.

We manage to coax Gally into a separate paddock. At least here Pete only has to negotiate the knee high weeds, and not other horses. But Gally seems more intent on showing off extended trots and collected canters than being caught. Finally we bite the bullet and move all the other horses out of sight. Pete goes into the paddock with an outstretched hand holding the head stall. Gally races up to him and sticks his head into the headstall.

1 comment:

SJ said...

Hey Gally has some real personality! It reminds me of a younger Zucchini who you almost gave up catching for her to come to you! It seems that old age settles dogs down I hope the same is true for horse :)