Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To town and back

Today we went to town. On horseback. There's not much of a town left - it's really just a grouping of houses now, but that's not the point. The ride into town is 2km one way.

Sabina rode Bel Bel and I rode Dingo. We had a lovely ride. We passed cows, a man mowing the lawns, dogs, calves, other horses. And of course cars passed us. Bel Bel was a dream. She really didn't put a foot wrong. I can't quite say the same about Dingo - such a princess.

In town, we stopped in front of our neighbour's house, and had a snack. Then we rode back. On the way back Sabina said "Can we keep her?"

"I thought you wanted a palomino pony?", I quizzed. I mean, you know, I have to be sure here. I don't want back pedalling once the novelty wears off.

"Well, I would have liked a palomino pony", explained Sabina, "but really I just wanted a pony that I could call either Bel Bel, or Thowra, or Golden."

I wonder how long it will be before she'll want to take Bel Bel brumby hunting?

1 comment:

Linda said...

Love the trim on Bel Bel (aka Piper), Sabina's scissor skills seem to have improved! Hope all goes well with them as a team.