Saturday, April 11, 2009

Too much formula

I have been sitting at work all week, dying to re-apply my "seat to pommel" formula. So when I hit the arena this morning I am just too keen.

For starters, my muscles aren't used to the "seat to pommel" yoga type pose. So when I hop on Princess, I can't seem to quite get it right. On top of that, she's had four days in the paddock to think about it. And she thinks it may be all too hard for her. I get a bit of head tossing, but mainly I struggle to stay "seat to pommel" for more than a couple of strides. It's dissapointing.

Crownie on the other hand, my trainable horse, is compliant. Somehow, I manage to hold the "seat to pommel" pose with shoulders back and open chest. She goes down nicely on the bit, and engages well. After 20 minutes I feel that this might be enough. Surely not? It's only 20 minutes! I change rein in the walk, Crownie drops a leg and pulls a back muscle. I try a trot but she is most visibly lame. Damn! I've broken my horse.

Quickly I jump off and go into recovery mode. Good rub down to get the blood flowing, then a canvas blanket with felt underlay to keep the area warm.

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